
Posts Tagged ‘Bullet’s’

Film Project Summary

September 6th, 2009 Comments off

Christmas Day 2005 at Camp Mama D in the N.O. 7th Ward

Over three years of oral history and candid footage was shot by Michael Woods.

Half of the collection pertains to the Repopulation Era, 11.11.05 – 3.1.06, respectfully documenting this surreal period from the Mathieu Family, Mama D, Rollin Garcia (aka Bullet), Angi Bachemin and volunteers’ 7th Ward points of view. We followed them all up to Hurricane Gustav 9.1.08. A documentary film project in development is “The 7th Ward”. Our mission is to capture the essence of surviving in that just lost 90% of its population to exile, reflecting back from Gustav.

Michael Woods, Lead Researcher